Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts computer based examination for recruitment of ALP & Technician posts. RRB has released centralized notification 01/2018 for total 26502 vacancies. RRB ALP & Technician Recruitment 2018 will be held in two stages followed by Aptitude Test (if applicable) and Document Verification. First Stage CBT was scheduled in the month of May and June 2018. The second CBT was held in January 2019 and psychology test was held on 10 June. The document verification started from July in various zones and still going on. The final empaneling is supposed to be completed in December 2019.
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts Non Technical Popular Categories (NTPC) exam to recruit Commercial apprentice, Goods guard, Traffic Apprentice, Traffic Assistant, Assistant Station Master etc. all over India.
Railway Recruitment Board (RRB) conducts RRB JE exam to recruit Junior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (Information Technology), Depot Material Superintendent (DMS) and Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA) for Indian Railway all over India.