The full form of BSTC is Basic School Teaching Course. BSTC Exam is conducted by the Department of Elementary Education (DEED), Rajasthan for admission of candidates to the Pre D.El.Ed course. Candidates those looking forward to taking admission in Pre D.El.Ed course for the year 2021 can apply for the exam from Jun 9, 2021.

About DEED: The Department of elementary education, Rajasthan, is responsible to conduct the Rajasthan Basic School Teaching Course Admission Test (BSTC) exam for admission in Basic School Teaching Courses (now D.El.Ed). Some of the important functions of this department are setting up elementary education rules and implementing the same, governing elementary education, increasing the scope of elementary education and its promotion, etc.

Given below is a gist of the BSTC 2021 Exam.

BSTC 2021 at a glance
Exam NameBasic School Teaching Course
Exam LevelState Level
Course AvailableD.El.Ed
Maximum Marks600 marks

BSTC 2021 Exam Date

BSTC 2021 Exam Date will be announced by the Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education. As per the official notification, the exam will be conducted on Aug 31, 2021. Any further changes in the BSTC exam date will be updated here.

BSTC 2021 Exam Dates
Notification ReleasedJun 7, 2021
Registration startsJun 9, 2021
Deadline of Application SubmissionJul 29, 2021
Last Date for Registration FeeJul 31, 2021
Admit Card availabilityAug 26, 2021
Exam DateAug 31, 2021
Exam Time2:00 PM-5:00 PM
Final Answer Key DateTo be announced
Result DeclarationTo be announced
Counselling Session RegistrationTo be announced
First Seat AllotmentTo be announced
Deposit Allotment FeeTo be announced
Reporting After First AllotmentTo be announced
Upward MovementTo be announced
Allotment After Upward MovementTo be announced
Reporting After Upward MovementTo be announced
Second Seat AllotmentTo be announced

BSTC 2021 Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must go through the BSTC 2021 eligibility criteria given below before filling out the BSTC 2021 application form.


  • Candidates who are citizens of India are eligible to apply for Rajasthan BSTC 2021. Candidates who hold the Domicile Certificate for the state of Rajasthan can also apply.

Educational Qualification

  • In order to be eligible for BSTC 2021, candidates need to qualify for their HSC from Rajasthan Education Board or the equivalent exam which is recognized by ICSE/CBSE.
  • Candidates who are appearing for the 10+2 qualifying exam are also eligible to apply for the exam. But they have to be completely eligible by the time of counselling.
  • The minimum percentage of marks to be scored by the aspiring candidates belonging to various categories in order to be eligible to apply for the BSTC 2021 Exam is given below
CategoryMinimum Marks in 12th
General50 %
SC / ST / OBC / PwD / Widow / Divorcee45 %


Students applying for BSTC 2021 shall be less than 28 years of age. Candidates belonging to the reserved categories will be provided 5 years of age relaxation. Candidates are advised to make sure they meet the eligibility criteria before applying to prevent any confusion later on.

BSTC 2021 Syllabus

The syllabus for BSTC 2021 is mentioned below.

Mental Ability:

Seating Arrangement Analysis, Blood Relations, Reasoning, Analogy, Discrimination, & Logical thinking.

Language Ability:

Narrations, Correction of Sentences, Spotting Errors, Comprehension, Kind of Sentences, Sentence Completion, Synonym, Spelling Errors, One-word Substitutions, Connectives, Articles, Prepositions, Vocabulary, Tense, Antonym.

General Awareness (of Rajasthan):

Geographical Aspects, Political Aspects, Historical Aspects, Economic Aspects, Art, Literature Aspects & Culture, Folk Life, Tourism Aspects, and Social Aspects.

Teaching Aptitude:

Teaching Learning, Professional Attitude, Creativity, Leadership Quality, Communication Skills Continuous, and Comprehensive Evaluation, and Social Sensitivity.

The detailed syllabus of the BSTC 2021 Exam will be available on the official website under the link 'Download BSTC Syllabus'. Preparation efforts based on the syllabus and exam pattern will be helpful to score better marks in the examination.

BSTC 2021 Exam Pattern

BSTC 2021 Exam will be conducted offline i.e. pen and paper mode. The question paper will be consisting of Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQ). Each question correctly answered will fetch the candidate 3 marks and there will be no negative marking for the wrongly attempted answers. A total of 200 questions will be given carrying 600 marks in total.

Candidates have an option to opt for a General (English + Hindi) or Sanskrit (English + Sanskrit) teaching course. For the General Course Test, the BSTC 2021 exam pattern along with the section-wise marks is given below:

BSTC 2021 Exam Pattern
SectionNo. of QuestionsMarks
Mental Ability50150
General Knowledge50150
Teaching Aptitude50150
English Language Ability2060
Sanskrit/Hindi Language Ability3090

BSTC 2021 Application Form

The applications for BSTC 2021 have been closed. Candidates who are interested in pursuing D.El.Ed course under Rajasthan Council of Secondary Education is advised to fill the application form with correct details. This is because if at a later stage, it is found that you have forged the personal details, your candidature will be canceled.

How to fill the BSTC 2021 Application Form?

Follow the below steps to apply for BSTC 2021 successfully.

  • Step 1: Go to the official website of BSTC (
  • Step 2: Find and click on the Application Form link and fill your form with al your correct information.
  • Step 3: After filling the application form, upload the required documents like passport-size photograph and signature image.
  • Step 4: Post that, you will need to finalize your registration by paying the application fee for BSTC. BSTC Application fee is the same for candidates applying for General or Sanskrit teaching courses i.e. INR 400. But if a candidate wishes to study both General and Sanskrit, then he/she has to pay INR 450. The fee can be paid by Debit/Credit Card/Internet Banking.
  • Step 5: After you pay the application fee, your application form will be considered complete and you can take the print out of the form.

Documents required while filling out BSTC 2021 Application Form

Valid E-mail Id, Class 10 and 12 Mark sheets, Caste Certificate, Id Proof, Signature (Scanned), Photograph (scanned). Candidates should also maintain the same contact number that they provided at the time of registration until the completion of all the processes.

Given below are the specifications of the scanned photograph and signature:

PhotographUp to 100 kB8cm X 10cmJPG/GIF/BMP
SignatureUp to 50 kB5cm X 3cmJPG/GIF/BMP

BSTC 2021 Admit Card

BSTC 2021 Admit Card is the most important document from a candidate's perspective as without it any candidate would not be allowed to enter the examination hall. Candidates can download the admit cards approximately one week before the BSTC Exam.

Candidates have to download their admit cards from the official website of BSTC. In any case, the admit cards would not be sent by post to the candidates. Any requests regarding the same would not be entertained at any cost.

Visit BSTC 2021 Admit Card for a direct link to download the admit card.

How to download BSTC 2021 Admit Card?

Given below are the steps to download the BSTC 2021, Admit Card:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website of BSTC 2021.
  • Step 2: In the notification section, click on the 'Download Admit Card' link.
  • Step 3: Login using the credentials provided at the time of registration.
  • Step 4: View and download the admit card.
  • Step 5: Take a print out of the admit card.

BSTC 2021 Exam Centres

 Candidates will have to be careful while choosing the desired exam centre in the application form. Request for change in the allotted exam centre will not be entertained. A list of the exam centres of BTSC 2021 is given below. 

BTSC 2021 Exam Centers
List of Cities
BharatpurJaisalmerSawai Madhopur
BundiJhunjhunuSri Ganganagar

BSTC 2021 Answer Key

The conducting body will release the answer key on the official website a few weeks after the successful conduction of the BSTC 2021 exam. Answer key PDF's will be available for the four sets of question papers (Set A, B, C, D). Candidates can follow the steps given below to view the answer key.

Step 1: Visit the official website.

Step 2: In the notification section, click on the "Answer key" link.

Step 3: Enter the login credentials.

Step 4: Choose the version of the question paper from the list.

Step 5: View and download the answer key.

Step 6: Take a print out of the same.

BSTC 2021 Objection to Answer key

After the release of the provisional answer key, candidates will be able to raise objections. Candidates will have to visit the official website and submit all the relevant documents to justify their answers. The objections will be analyzed by a bunch of experts. The final answer key will be released after considering all the objections. No objections will be entertained after the release of the final answer key.

BSTC 2021 Result

BSTC 2021 Result will be available on the official website and the candidates will be able to check that on the date mentioned. The dates will be announced after the exam which is yet to be scheduled. Qualifying candidates will be called by Kota University for the counselling rounds.

How to check BSTC 2021 Results?

  • Step 1: Firstly, you will need to visit the official website of the BSTC 2021 Exam.
  • Step 2: In the notification section click on the "Results" link.
  • Step 3: Post that, the system will demand your application number and date of birth as login credentials. Fill in the details required and afterwards click on the "Submit" option.
  • Step 4: In this step, you will be able to see your results and can print out the same.

Details Mentioned in the BSTC 2021 Result

The following details will be mentioned in the BSTC 2021 Result

Name of the candidates, Roll Number, Gender, Category, Father's Name, Total Marks, Marks obtained in each section, Maximum marks, Counselling serial number, and other general instructions.

Steps to follow if the candidate is unable to check results

Sometimes due to some error, candidates will not be able to view their results. We've listed a few points to help candidates in such situations.

  • Candidates are requested to first check their internet connection. Sometimes due to poor connectivity, the page might not respond properly.
  • Make sure there are no errors in the entered register number/roll number.
  • Check whether the date of birth is entered in the correct format.
  • If the candidates are still unable to view their results, then they should contact the concerned authorities using the contact details provided at the end of the page.

For more details about the results, check - Rajasthan BSTC Result 2021

BSTC 2021 Cutoff

BSTC 2021 Cutoffs are released just after the result is declared. A list of qualified candidates and qualifying marks are released by the conducting body and the students are then called for counselling. Cutoffs every year depending on the following factors:

Number of Candidates who appeared in the Exam, Difficulty Level of the Exam, Total number of posts available, Marks obtained by candidates in different sections, previous cutoff trends. 

The BSTC 2021 Cutoff is expected to drop by 50-70 marks as the paper was considered to be comparatively easy and as the session was delayed the number of candidates who appeared for the exam has decreased. 

The expected cutoff of BSTC 2021 is mentioned below.

CategoryExpected Cutoff
General (Male)400 - 450
General (Female)400 - 420
SC (Male)350 - 390
SC (Female)300 - 350
ST (Male)350 - 380
ST (Female)300 - 325
OBC (Male)360 - 410
OBC (Female)380 - 390

The previous year cutoffs for BSTC Exam is tabulated below:

General Male427426
General Female410408
SC Male400399
SC Female368365
ST Male415412
ST Female385382
OBC Male405404
OBC Female367365

BSTC 2021 Counselling

Kota University will call on candidates who will qualify for the BSTC 2021 for the counselling rounds. Candidates will have to register for the BSTC 2021 counselling process. Candidates need to download the allotment letter from the official website and take it to the office of the university. Given below is the list of steps involved in the BSTC 2021 counselling process:

  • Registration: After the BSTC 2021 results are declared, candidates who have passed the minimum cutoff marks can register themselves for the counselling rounds. The link to register for counselling will be available on the official website. A registration fee needs to be paid at the time of registration for counselling. The amount can be paid via e-Mitra, online payment mode, HDFC bank cash challan.
  • Choice Filling: Candidates will be required to fill in their choices of colleges in the order of preference. The choice filling step is important. Close attention must be paid to the order of colleges based on priority. 
  • Seat Allotment: The seat allotment results of BSTC 2021 is declared on the basis of a candidate's BSTC Exam scores and preference list of colleges submitted by the candidates. The seat once allocated cannot be changed, however, candidates can apply for an upgrade later on. The results will be declared on the official website itself.


  • After the release of the 1st round of counselling results, if the candidate is satisfied with the allotted college and course, then they can confirm the seat by paying the tuition fee of that institute and complete the admission process within the specified date and time.
  • Candidates who are not satisfied with the allotted course and college can participate in the next rounds of counselling.

BSTC 2021 Counselling Fee Refund

A fee refund facility will be available to the candidates online for Pre D.El.Ed (General) and Pre D.El.Ed (Sanskrit). To access the fee refund, candidates need to log in using their roll number, counselling serial number, name, mother’s name, date of birth, etc.

Documents to carry for BSTC 2021 Counselling

Candidates need to present at the counselling center with the following documents with them. Failure to produce these documents at the time of BSTC 2021 counselling will result in the loss of candidature. Allotment Letter, Marksheet of SSC and Intermediate, Migration Certificate, Domicile Certificate, Passport-size Photographs, Character Certificate. If any seats remain unfilled in Round 1, the counselling will continue to fill the remaining seats in Round 2.

BSTC 2021 Reference Books

For BSTC 2021, aspirants must practice previous year papers as much as possible. Subject-dedicated books are few in number. Listed below are recommended practice books that can be purchased on e-commerce websites:

BookAuthor / Publication
Pre D.L.D BSTC Exam Guide With Free Solved PapersLakshya
Pre D.L.D BSTC General/Sanskrit Exam GuideSikhwal
Pre D.L.D BSTC 10 Model Test PapersHerald

Contact details

Candidates can use the details mentioned below to address any queries related to the BSTC 2021 Exam

  • Official Website:
  • Helpline Number: 0151 222 6551
  • Contact Hours: 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM (Monday to Saturday)
  • Address: Lalgarh Palace, near Bikaner, Rajasthan - 334001