IBPS currently functions as an autonomous body that is mainly engaged in conducting competitive exams for recruitment to clerical and officers' posts in the banking sector.

Earlier, candidates had to write multiple exams conducted by each bank for their vacancies. But from 2012, the Recruitment process has been changed. Now IBPS conducts four different recruitment processes namely CRP PO/MT, CRP RRBs, CRP Clerical, CRP Specialist Officers under which various exams take place every year for banking sector recruitment. The exams conducted by IBPS are as follows:

  • IBPS PO/MT exam takes place for the recruitment of Probationary Officers and Management Trainees' in the participating banks, which are national public sector banks.
  • IBPS SO exam takes place for the recruitment of Specialist Officers, which are Scale-I officers in the national public sector banks.
  • IBPS Clerk exam takes place for the recruitment of clerks in the national public sector banks.
  • IBPS RRB Officer Scale-I exam takes place for the recruitment of Scale-I Officers in Regional Rural Banks, this post is equivalent to Probationary Officers post in National Public Sector Banks.
  • IBPS RRB Office Assistant exam takes place for the recruitment of Office Assistant in Regional Rural Banks, this post is equivalent to Clerk post in National Public Sector Banks.
  • IBPS RRB Officer Scale-II and Scale-III exam takes place for the recruitment of Scale-II and Scale-III Officers in Regional Rural Banks, the post of Officer Scale-II is equivalent to Specialist Officer post and Officer Scale-III post is equivalent to Senior Manager in National Public Sector Banks.